Oda / Ofis:
Tel. No:
+90 212 359 7356
Faks No:
+90 212 287 2456
- Ph.D. 2002, Mechanical Engineering, University of Texas, Austin, TX, ABD
- M.S. 1997, Makina Mühendisliği, ODTÜ , Ankara, Türkiye
- B.S. 1994, Makina Mühendisliği, ODTÜ , Ankara, Türkiye
- Editör, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020-
- Bölüm Başkanı, Beden Eğitimi Bölümü, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi, 2020-2021
- Profesör, Makina Mühendisliği Bölümü, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi, 2019-
- Doçent Dr., Makina Mühendisliği Bölümü, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi, 2012-2019
- Yardımcı Doçent Dr., Makina Mühendisliği Bölümü, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi, 2007-2012
- Tecrübeli Paketleme Mühendisi, Intel, Chandler, AZ, ABD, 2003-2007
Okuttuğu Dersler:
- ME 263: Thermodynamics
- ME 362: Heat Transfer
- ME 429: Mechanical and Thermal Design
- ME 466: Thermodynamics II
- ME 478: Design of Thermal Systems
- ME 492: Project
- ME 561: Conduction Heat Transfer
- ME 579: Graduate Seminar
- ME 662: Convection Heat Transfer
- ME 663: Radiation Heat Transfer
Araştırma Konuları:
- Design and control of thermal and energy systems
- Nanotechnology in energy applications
- Thermal management of opto/electronic systems
- Inverse problems of thermal design and sensing
Journal Articles
- C. Haratoka, R. A. Yalcin, and H. Erturk, “Design of thermo-chromic glazing windows considering energy consumption and visual comfort for cellular offices,” Solar Energy, vol. 241, pp. 637–649, 2022.
- B. Li, B. Zhang, J. Song, R. Hu, H. Ertürk, Z. Luo, and Q. Cheng, “Performance analysis of near-field tandem thermophotovoltaic systems based on radiative absorption distribution,” International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 139, p. 106488, 2022.
- C. Yildirim, H. Erturk, K. Pekkan, S. Deniz, and E. C. Serefoglu. "A novel method for hemodynamic analysis of penile erection." International Journal of Impotence Research, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 55-63, 2022.
- Demirkır, Ç., Ertürk, H., “Convective heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of graphene-water nanofluids in transitional flow”, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 121, p.105092, 2021.
- Yalcin RA, and Erturk H, 2021, “Monte Carlo Method Solution of Broadband Fluorescent Radiative Transfer Equation Considering Fluorescent Cascade”, Applied Optics, vol 60, no. 4, 1068-1077.
- Demirkir C, Erturk H, 2021, “Convective Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Characteristics of Graphene-Water Nanofluids in Transitional Flow”, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, vol.121, 105092.
- Yildirim C, Erturk H, Pekkan K, Deniz S, Serefoglu EC, 2020, “A novel method for hemodynamic analysis of penile erection”, International Journal of Impotence Research.
- Yalcin RA, and Erturk H, 2020, “Improving Crop Production in Solar Illuminated Vertical Farms using Fluorescence Coatings", Biosystems Engineering, vol.193, pp.25-36.
- Kocer E, Mason JK, Erturk H, 2020, “Continuous and Optimally Complete Description of Chemical Environments Using Spherical Bessel Descriptors”, AIP Advances, vol. 10, 015021.
- Demirkir C, Erturk H, 2020, “Rheological and Thermal Characterization of Graphene-Water Nanofluids: Hysteresis Phenomenon”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 149, 119113.
- Avsar D, Erturk H, Menguc MP, 2020, “Absorption and Plasmon Resonance of Bi-Metallic Core-Shell Nanoparticles on a Dielectric Substrate Near an External Tip”, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, vol.241, 106684.
- Akiner T, Kocer E, Mason JK, Erturk H, 2019,“Green Kubo Assessment of Thermal Transport in Nano-colloids Based on Interfacial Effects”, Materials Today Communications, vol. 20, 100533.
- Ericok OB, Ozbek AK, Cemgil AT, Erturk H, 2019, “Gaussian Process and Design of Experiments for Surrogate Modeling of Optical Properties of Fractal Aggregates”, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, vol.239, 106643.
- Yalcin RA, and Erturk H, 2019, “Improving Photosynthetic Efficiency using Greenhouse Coatings with Scattering and Fluorescent Pigments”, Materials Research Express, vol.6, 085551.
- Kocer E, Mason JK, Erturk H, 2019, “A Novel Approach to Describe Chemical Environments in High Dimensional Neural Network Potentials”, Journal of Chemical Physics, vol.150, 154102.
- Avsar D, Erturk H, Menguc MP, 2019, “Plasmonic Responses of Metallic/Dielectric Core-Shell Nanoparticles on a Dielectric Substrate”, Materials Research Express, vol.6, 065006.
- Atik O, Erturk H, 2019, “Enhancement of CPU Liquid Cooling Performance using hBN Nanofluids”, ASME Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, vol. 11, 034501.
- Rostampour Fathi Z, Menguc P, Erturk H, 2018, " Plasmon coupling between complex gold nanostructures and a dielectric substrate ", Applied Optics, accepted, in press. (SCI)
- Ericok OB, and Erturk H, 2018, "Optical characterization limits of nanoparticle aggregates at different wavelengths using Approximate Bayesian Computation", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, vol.213, pp.113-118. (SCI)
- Yalcin RA, and Erturk H, 2018, “Inverse Design of Spectrally Selective Thickness Sensitive Pigmented Coatings for Solar Thermal Applications", Transactions of ASME Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, vol.140, 031006. (SCI)
- Ericok OB, Cemgil TA, Erturk H, 2018, “Approximate Bayesian Computation Techniques for Optical Characterization of Nanoparticle Clusters” Journal of Optical Society of America –A, vol.35, no.1, pp.88-97. (SCI)
- Akiner T, Mason JK, Erturk H, “Thermal Characterization Assessment of Rigid and Flexible Water Models in a Nanogap Using Molecular Dynamics”, Chemical Physics Letters, vol.687, pp.270-275. (SCI)
- Akiner T, Mason JK, Erturk H, 2017, “Nanolayering Around and Thermal Resistivity of the Water Hexagonal Boron Nitride Interface”, Journal of Chemical Physics, vol.147, 044709. (SCI)
- Ericok OB, and Erturk H, "Inverse Characterization of Nanoparticle Clusters using Unpolarized Optical Scattering without Ex-Situ Measurements", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, vol.198, pp.117-129. (SCI)
- Kazemi Khosrashahi F, Erturk H, Menguc MP, 2017, "Optimization of Si/SiO2 Based Spectrally Selective Filters for Thermophotovoltaic Devices ", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, vol. 197, pp. 123-131. (SCI)
- Talebi Moghaddan S, Avsar D, Erturk H, Menguc MP, 2017, " Effect of Silicon AFM Probe’s Spatial Location on Local Absorption of Gold Nano-Structures Placed on a Dielectric Surface", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, vol. 197, pp. 106-113. (SCI)
- Ilhan B, Erturk H, 2017, “Experimental Characterization of Laminar Forced Convection of hBN Water Nanofluid in a Circular Tube”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 111, pp.500-507. (SCI)
- Akiner T, Mason JK, Erturk H, 2016, “A New Interlayer Potential For Hexagonal Boron Nitride”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, vol.28, 385401. (SCI)
- Ilhan B, Kurt M, Erturk H, 2016, “Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer Enhancement and Viscosity Increase of hBN Nanofluids”, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Sciences, vol.77, pp.272-283. (SCI)
- Talebi Moghaddan S, Erturk H, Menguc MP, 2016, “Enhancing Local Absorption Patterns within Gold Nano-Structures on a Dielectric Surface under an AFM Probe and with Evanescent-Wave Illumination”, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, vol.178, pp.124-133. (SCI)
- Heshmati F, Erturk H, 2016, “Single Phase Models for Improved Estimation of Friction Factor for Laminar Nanofluid Flow in Pipes”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol.95C, pp. 416-425. (SCI)
- Goktepe S, Atalik K, Erturk H, 2014, “Comparison of Single and Two-Phase Models for Nanofluid Convection at the Entrance of a Uniformly Heated Tube”, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, vol.80, no.1, pp.83-92. (SCI)
- Erturk, H., 2011, “Evaluation Of Image Reconstruction Algorithms For Non-Destructive Characterization Of Thermal Interfaces”, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, vol.50, no.6, pp.906-917. (SCI)
- Erturk, H. and Howell, J. R., 2010, “Efficient Signal Transport Model for Remote Thermometry in Full Scale Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, vol.23, no.1., pp.132-140. (SCI)
- Erturk, H., Gamba, M., Ezekoye, O.A., and Howell, J.R., 2008, “Validation of Inverse Boundary Condition Design in a Thermometry Test Bed”, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, vol. 109, pp.317-326. (SCI)
- Sauciuc, I., Erturk, H., Sahasrabudhe, S.H., Girouard, S., Bosak, H.C., Ahuja, S., Chrysler, G.M., Leija, J., 2006, “Future CPU Cooling Building Blocks: Performance and Challenges”, Intel Assembly Test and Technology Journal, vol.9, pp.31-42.
- Sauciuc, I., Chang, J-Y, Chau, D., Chrysler, G., Prasher, R., Erturk, H., 2004, “Novel Thermal Technologies for CPU Cooling Applications”, Intel Assembly Test and Technology Journal, vol. 7, pp. 63-71.
- Erturk, H., Ezekoye, O. A., and Howell, J. R., 2004, “Boundary Condition Design to Heat a Moving Object at Uniform Transient Temperature”, ASME Journal Manufacturing Science and Engineering, vol. 126, pp.619-626. (SCI)
- Howell, J. R., Daun, K. J., Erturk, H., Gamba, M. and Hosseini Sarvari, M., 2003, “The Use of Inverse Methods for the Design and Control of Radiant Sources”, JSME International Journal, Series B, Fluid and Thermal Engineering, vol. 46, pp.470-478. (SCI-E) (invited paper)
- Daun, K. J., Erturk, H. and Howell, J. R., 2002, “Inverse Methods for High Temperature Systems”, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, vol. 27, no 2C, pp. 3-48. (SCI-E) (invited paper)
- Erturk, H., Ezekoye, O. A., and Howell, J. R., 2002, “The Application of An Inverse Formulation In The Design of Boundary Conditions for Transient Radiating Enclosures”, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, vol.124, pp. 1095-1102. (SCI)
- Erturk, H., Ezekoye, O. A., and Howell, J. R., 2002, “Comparison of Three Regularized Solution Techniques in a Three-Dimensional Inverse Radiation Problem”, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, vol.73, pp. 307-316. (SCI)
- Z. Li, C.-C. Hsieh, J. Hu, H. Erturk, and G. Chen, “Microfins for Cooling an Ultramobile Device”, US Patent No. US8482922.
- Z. Li, C.-C. Hsieh, J. Hu, H. Erturk, and G. Chen, “Microfins for Cooling an Ultramobile Device”, US Patent No. US8054629.
- Erturk, H., Sauciuc, I., “Piezoelectric Fan, Method of Cooling a Microelectronic Device Using Same, and System Containing Same”, US Patent application no. US2009026881-A1; Korean Patent No. KR1004161-B1; Chinese Patent application no. CN101354045-A.
- Sauciuc, I., Chrysler, G.M., Erturk, H., 2009, “Piezoelectric Air Jet Augmented Cooling for Electronic Devices”, US Patent No. US7633753; Korean Patent No. KR1031487-B1; Chinese Patent No. CN101516173-B.
- Erturk, H., Chrysler, G.M., Sauciuc, I., 2008, “Method and System to Cool Memory”, US Patent No. US7457116
- Erturk, H., Sauciuc, I., 2008, “Heat Dissipating Device with Enhanced Boiling/Condensation Structure”, US Patent No. US7353860; Taiwanese Patent No. TW293018-B1; International Patent No. WO2006007163; Korean Patent No. KR2007017205-A; Chinese Patent No. CN1969382-B; German Patent Nos. DE112005001365-T5, DE112005001365-B4.
- Erturk, H., Sauciuc, I., 2008, “Heat Dissipating Device with Enhanced Boiling/Condensation Structure”, US Patent No. US7327572.
- Erturk, H., Sauciuc I., 2007, “Cooling Integrated Circuits Using a Cold Plate with Two Phase Thin Film Evaporation”, US Patent No. US7265979.
- Erturk H., Sauciuc I., Unrein, E. J., 2005, “An Apparatus and Method for Cooling Integrated Circuit Devices”, US Patent No. US6917522.
Book Chapters
- Hottel H.C., Sarofim A.F., Noble J.J., and Ertürk H., 2018, “Radiant Heat Transfer”, Section 2.3 in Marks’ Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers – Edition 12, eds. AM Sadegh, WM Worek, McGraw-Hill Book Co., pp.160-176.
- Ertürk H., Howell J.R., 2018, “Monte Carlo methods for Radiative Transfer”, Springer-Meteor’s Handbook of Thermal Sciences and Engineering, ed. F. Kulacki, pp.1201-1242.