Associate Professor
Room / Office:
Phone Number:
+90 212 359 4574
Fax Number:
+90 212 287 2456
- Ph.D. 1992, M.Phil., M.S., Yale University , USA
- M.S. 1986, B.S. 1984, Bogazici University , Istanbul, Turkey
- Robert College 1980, Istanbul, Turkey
- Associate Dean, School of Engineering, 2006-2009
- Associate Director, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, 2006
- Associate Chair, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 2011-2013
Courses Taught:
- ME 207 Probability and Statistics for ME
- ME 263 Thermodynamics I
- ME 303 Computer Applications in Mechanical Engineering
- ME 353 Fluid Mechanics I
- ME 362 Heat Transfer
- ME 451 Applied Fluid Mechanics
- ME 453 Gas Dynamics
- ME 455 Fluid Mechanics II
- ME 466 Thermodynamics II
- ME 501 Advanced Engineering Mathematics I
- ME 502 Advanced Engineering Mathematics II
- ME 551 Advanced Fluid Mechanics
- ME 561 Conduction Heat Transfer
- ME 579 Graduate Seminar
- ME 581 Aerodynamics
- ME 652 Viscous Flow Theory
- ME 656 Computational Fluid Dynamics
- ME 662 Convective Heat Transfer
- AUTO 511 Vehicle Aerodynamics
- CHE 232 Chemical Engineering I: Fluid Mechanics
- CHE 333 Chemical Engineering II: Heat Transfer
Research Interests:
- Computational Fluid Dynamics and High Performance Computing
- Heat Transfer, Aerodynamics, Gas Dynamics, Transonic Flow, Turbulence
- Combustion, Chemical Vapor Deposition, Semi-Conductor Device Simulations
- Non-Newtonian Fluids, Solidification, Acoustics, Two-Phase Flow
- Numerical Analysis, Krylov Subspace Methods, Preconditioning
- Parallel and Scientific Computing
- Domain Decomposition, Multi-Grid / Multi-Level Techniques
Awards & Honors:
- Bogazici University "Excellence in Teaching" Award, 2000
- ASME Region XIII "Faculty Advisor" Award, 1999
- Harold Cheel Fellowship, 1987-1988
- Yale University Fellowship, 1986-1987
- Turkish National Science Foundation - TUBITAK Scholarship, 1981-1986
- Turk U., Turan E., Orhan M., and Ecder A., "An adaptive time-stepping strategy for the implicit solution of steady transonic flow", Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, vol. 15, issue:3, pp. 135-143, (2015).
- Danis E., Orhan M. and Ecder A., "ISPH Modeling of Transient Natural Convection", Int. J. Computational Fluid Dynamics, 27 (1), 15-31 (2013).
- Turan E. and Ecder A. "Analysis of a Bimetallic Slab in Non-Isothermal Flow", IMechE Part C: J. Mechanical Engineering Science, 225 (3), 658-672 (2011).
- Kaptan Y., Ecder A. and Atalik K. "Rotating-Surface-Driven Non-Newtonian Flow in a Cylindrical Enclosure", Korea-Australia Rheology Journal, 22(4), 265-272 (2010).
- Turan E., Basol A. M., Saygin H. and Ecder A. "Resolving Non-Symmetry in Flows via Subdomain Shifts ", Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 15(3) :349-370 (2010).
- Kaptan Y., Ecder A. and Atalik K. "Computational Parametric Analysis of Rotating Surface Flow", IMechE Part C: J. Mechanical Engineering Science, 223, 889-899 (2009).
- Kaptan Y., Buyruk E. and Ecder A. "Numerical Investigation of Fouling Heat Exchanger Tubes with Conjugated Heat Transfer Aooroach", International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 35, 1153-1158 (2008).
- Orhan M., Ecder, A., and Tezel A., "Thermal Creep Flow of Rarefied Gases in Rectangular Enclosures; A Comparison between the Navier-Stokes and Burnett Models", Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, v 7, n 7, 404-413 (2007)
- Ilicak M., Ecder, A., and Turan E., "Operator Splitting Techniques for the Numerical Analysis of Natural Convection Heat Transfer", International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 84:6, 783-793 (2007)
- Ecder, A., Ünsal, R., "Multiple-Domain Analysis of Combustion of a Spherical Fuel Droplet", International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics , 8:103-106 (2007).
- Orhan, M., Ecder, A., Tezel, A., "Stability of thermal transpiration flows in rectangular enclosures – Axisymmetric disturbances", International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 34, 83-92 (2007).
- Ullum U., Wright J., Dayi O., Ecder, A., Soulaïmani A., Piche R. and Kamath H., "Reduction of Rotating Stall within an Impeller of a Centrifugal Pump Based upon Measured Pressure and Velocity Data", Journal of Physics (CS), Volume 52, pp. 36-45, 2006.
- Ecder, A. “Partitioning Strategies for Parallel Domain Decomposition in Modelling Transport Phenomena", Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, Volume 1, Number 4, pp. 188-193, 2001.