Ph.D. 2005. Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
M.S. 2002. Mathematics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
M.S. 2001. Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
B.S. 2000. Mechanical Engineering, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey
Professor, Boğaziçi University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 2019-
Associate Professor, Boğaziçi University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 2013-2019
Assistant Professor, Boğaziçi University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 2007-2013
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 2005-2007
Graduate Student Instructor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 2004 Fall
Graduate Student Research Assistant, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 2001-2004
- ME324 Machine Design I
- ME424 Machine Design II
- ME425 Mechanical Vibrations
- ME426 Dynamics of Machinery
- ME429 Mechanical and Thermal Design
- ME492 Project
- ME579 Graduate Seminar
- ME622 Advanced Vibrations
- AUTO500 Engineering Mechanics
- AUTO503 Noise and Vibrations
- Multi-body dynamics
- Vibrations and acoustics, vibration isolation systems
- Phononic band gap structures, elastic metamaterials
- Passive anti-resonance generation methods
- Design of displacement amplifiers and motion converters
- Excellence in Research Award, Boğaziçi University Foundation, 2019
- TUBITAK Project Performance Award, 2018
- Outstanding Reviewer Award, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing (Elsevier), 2018
- Outstanding Reviewer Award, European Journal of Mechanics / A Solids (Elsevier), 2018
- Outstanding Young Scientist Award (GEBIP), Turkish Academy of Sciences, 2017
- Outstanding Reviewer Award, International Journal of Solids and Structures (Elsevier), 2017
- Outstanding Reviewer Award, Journal of Sound and Vibration (Elsevier), 2015
- Academic Incentive Award, Boğaziçi University Foundation, 2011, 2013-2016
- TUBITAK Career Award, 2011
- 2nd Prize on the ADAMS Design Contest, 2001
- Mechanical Engineering Departmental Fellowship, University of Michigan, 2000-2001
- Graduation with High Honors, Boğaziçi University, 2000
- Merit-based scholarship, Boğaziçi University Foundation, 1995-1999
Journal Articles
- S.N. Otlu, B. Acar, Z.G. Tetik, C. Yilmaz, Three-dimensional ultra-wide elastic metamaterial with inertial amplification mechanisms having optimized flexure hinges, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 282, 112453, (2023).
- K. Kocak, C. Yilmaz, Design of a compliant lever-type passive vibration isolator with quasi-zero-stiffness mechanism, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 558, 117758, (2023).
- A.A. Kulaksizoglu, C. Yalcin, C. Yilmaz, Analytical and experimental investigation of a motion amplified rotational friction damper, Engineering Structures, 288, 116184, (2023).
- A.A. Kulaksizoglu, C. Yilmaz, C. Yalcin, Experimental and numerical study of a motion amplification mechanism to enhance the seismic dissipation capacity of precast, post-tensioned concrete rocking systems, PCI Journal, 69(6), 24-45, (2023).
- M.U. Demir, C. Yilmaz, A three-axis modular horizontal vibration isolation system with adjustable stiffness: design, analysis and experimental validation, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 541, 117351, (2022).
- M.U. Demir, C. Yilmaz, Analysis and design of an adjustable stiffness three-axis horizontal vibration isolator using elastic columns and a string in tension, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 523, 116736, (2022).
- O. Ozyar, C. Yilmaz, A self-tuning adaptive-passive lever-type vibration isolation system, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 505, 116159, (2021).
- O. Yuksel, C. Yilmaz, Realization of an ultrawide stop band in a 2-D elastic metamaterial with topologically optimized inertial amplification mechanisms, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 203, 138-150, (2020).
- M. U. Ozcan, C. Yilmaz, F. O. Sonmez. Visco-Hyperelastic Material Modeling Using Nested Linkage Mechanisms, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 193-194, 393-404, (2020).
- M. K. Saleem, C. Yilmaz, C. Basdogan, Tactile Perception of Virtual Textures Displayed by Friction Modulation via Ultrasonic Actuation, IEEE Transactions on Haptics, 13(2), 368-379, (2020).
- A. Oktav, V. Gavgani, G. Anlas, C. Yilmaz, Reducing force transmission through exhaust mounts of a vehicle, Proc. IMechE, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 233(11) 2809–2819, (2019).
- A. H. Orta, C. Yilmaz, Inertial amplification induced phononic band gaps generated by a compliant axial to rotary motion conversion mechanism, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 439, 329-343, (2019).
- A. Oktav, C. Yilmaz, G. Anlas, Improvement of low frequency booming problem in automobiles using tuned mass damper, Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, 34(2), 891-903, (2019).
- M. K. Saleem, C. Yilmaz, C. Basdogan, Psychophysical evaluation of change in friction on an ultrasonically-actuated touchscreen, IEEE Transactions on Haptics, 11(4), 599-610, (2018).
- S. Taniker, C. Yilmaz, “Generating ultra wide vibration stop bands by a novel inertial amplification mechanism topology with flexure hinges”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 106-107, 129-138, (2017).
- E. Ozkaya, C. Yilmaz, “Effect of eddy current damping on phononic band gaps generated by locally resonant periodic structures”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 389, 250-265, (2017).
- A. Oktav, C. Yilmaz, G. Anlas, “Transfer path analysis: current practice, trade-offs and consideration of damping”, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 85, 760-762, (2017).
- A. Oktav, C. Yilmaz, G. Anlas, “The Helmholtz resonator effect of the trunk cavity in the acoustic response of a sedan”, SAE Technical Paper 2017-01-1842, (2017).
- A. Oktav, C. Yilmaz, G. Anlas, “Determination of the damping characteristics of computational body-in-white models”, International Journal of Advances on Automotive and Technology, 1(3), 105-108, (2017).
- A. Oktav, G. Anlas, C. Yilmaz, “The effect of folding rear seat aperture in acoustic response of a sedan car”, Proc. IMechE, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 231(2), 253-266, (2017).
- A. Oktav, G. Anlas, C. Yilmaz, "Assessment of vehicle noise variability through structural transfer path analysis", International Journal of Vehicle Design, 71, 300-320, (2016)
- S. Taniker, C. Yilmaz, "Design, analysis and experimental investigation of three-dimensional structures with inertial amplification induced vibration stop bands", International Journal of Solids and Structures, 72,88-97, (2015)
- O. Yuksel, C. Yilmaz, "Shape optimization of phononic band gap structures incorporating inertial amplification mechanisms", Journal of Sound and Vibration, 355, 232-245, (2015)
- O. Yuksel, C. Yilmaz, "Active noise control in a duct with flow", Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 136(3), 031014,(2014)
- G. Acar, C. Yilmaz, "Experimental and numerical evidence for the existence of wide and deep phononic gaps induced by inertial amplification in two-dimensional solid structures”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 332(24), 6389–6404, (2013)
- S. Taniker, C. Yilmaz, "Phononic gaps induced by inertial amplification in BCC and FCC lattices”, Physics Letters A, 377(31-33), 1930–1936, (2013)
- M. A. Acar, C. Yilmaz, "Design of an adaptive - passive dynamic vibration absorber composed of a string - mass system equipped with negative stiffness tension adjusting mechanism”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 332(2), 231-245, (2013)
- C. Yilmaz, G. M. Hulbert, "Theory of phononic gaps induced by inertial amplification in finite structures”, Physics Letters A, 374(34), 3576-3584, (2010)
- C. Yilmaz, G. M. Hulbert, N. Kikuchi, "Phononic band gaps induced by inertial amplification in periodic media”, Physical Review B 76, 054309 (2007)
- C. Yilmaz, G. M. Hulbert, N. Kikuchi, "Reducing tire-induced noise and vibration”, Tire Science and Technology 34(2), 135-147 (2006)
- C. Yilmaz, N. Kikuchi, "Analysis and design of passive low-pass filter-type vibration isolators considering stiffness and mass limitations”, Journal of Sound and Vibration 293(1-2), 171-195 (2006)
- C. Yilmaz, N. Kikuchi, "Analysis and design of passive band-stop filter-type vibration isolators for low-frequency applications”, Journal of Sound and Vibration 291(3-5), 1004-1028 (2006)
- C. Yilmaz, M.U. Demir, 2023, “Vibration isolation system adjustable in three axes”, Publication No: WO2023/043415A1.
- Ç. Yılmaz, S. Haydın, 2022, “Değişken direngenlikli bir sistem”, Türk Patent Başvuru No: 2022/005338.
- Ç. Yılmaz, M.U. Demir, 2021, “Üç eksende sıfıra yakın ayarlanabilir direngenliğe sahip çok gerdirme telli yatay titreşim yalıtım sistemi”, Türk Patent Başvuru No: 2021/021812.
- Ç. Yılmaz, M.U. Demir, 2021, “Üç eksende ayarlanabilir titreşim yalıtım sistemi”, Türk Patent No: 2021/014387B.
- Ç. Yılmaz, C. Korkmaz, Ş.A. Subay, 2021, “A hermetic compressor with tuned mass damper”, Türk Patent Başvuru No: 2021/007820.
- U. Dincer, G. Zungor, E. Samur, C. Yilmaz, M.C. Akbostanci, S.T. Aydemir, F.N.D. Celik, 2021, “A mobile measurement system for evaluating rigidity”, Application No: PCT/TR2021/051655.
- U. Dinçer, G. Züngör, E. Samur, Ç. Yılmaz, M.C. Akbostancı, S.T. Aydemir, F.N.D. Çelik, 2021, “Rijiditenin değerlendirilmesi için bir mobil ölçüm sistemi”, Türk Patent Başvuru No: 2021/022005.
- C. Yilmaz, A.O. Ozyar, 2021, “A vibration isolation system”, Publication No: US2023/083280A1, WO2021/167568A1.
- C. Yilmaz, A.O. Ozyar, 2021, “A joint mechanism”, Publication No: US2023/012864A1, WO2021/126127A1.
- U. Dinçer, G. Züngör, E. Samur, Ç. Yılmaz, M.C. Akbostancı, S.T. Aydemir, F.N.D. Çelik, 2020, “Rijiditenin değerlendirilmesi için mobil bir aparat sistemi”, Türk Patent Başvuru No: 2020/22818.
- A.O. Özyar, Ç. Yılmaz, 2020, “Bir titreşim yalıtım sistemi”, Türk Patent No: 2020/02692B.
- A.O. Özyar, Ç. Yılmaz, 2019, “Bir mafsal mekanizması”, Türk Patent No: 2019/20296A2.
- C. Yilmaz, A.A. Uslu, E. Tarakci, 2018, “A dynamic vibration damper and the washing machine using the same”, Publication No: WO2018/202548A1.
- A.A. Uslu, E. Tarakci, E. Tinar, C. Yilmaz, S. Yildirim, 2018, “A dynamic vibration damper and the washing machine using the same”, Publication No: WO2018/202549A1.
- A.A. Uslu, Ç. Yılmaz, E. Tarakcı, 2017, “Bir dinamik titreşim sönümleyici ve kullanıldığı çamaşır makinesi”, Türk Patent No: 2017/06654A2.
- A.A. Uslu, E. Tarakcı, S. Yıldırım, E. Tınar, Ç. Yılmaz, 2017, “Bir dinamik titreşim sönümleyici ve kullanıldığı çamaşır makinesi”, Türk Patent No: 2017/06613A3.