Ph.D. - 1992 - Mechanical Engineering, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, USA
M.S. - 1988 - Mechanical Engineering, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, USA
B.S. - 1985 - Mechanical Engineering, O.D.T.Ü, Ankara, Turkey
Dean, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi, Faculty of Engineering, 2016-2021
Chairman, Boğaziçi University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 2004-2016
Coordinator, Automotive Enginnering Programs, Boğaziçi University, 2003-2005
Professor, Boğaziçi University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, March 2002-
Advisor to the President, Boğaziçi University, 2001-2004
Vice Chairman, Boğaziçi University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 1994-2004
Assoc. Professor, Boğaziçi University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 1996-2001
Visiting Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Delaware, 1998-99
Visiting Scholar, Department of Eng. Science & Mechanics, Virginia Tech, July-Oct. 1996
Assistant Professor, Boğaziçi University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 1992-96
Instructor, University College, Widener University, Pennsylvania, USA, 1991 Spring
ME 120 - Introduction to Mechanical Engineering
ME 242 - Dynamics
ME 345 - Mechanics of Materials
ME 425 - Mechanical Vibrations
ME 430 - Automotive Engineering
ME 523 - Elasticity
ME 626 - Mechanics of Composite Materials
AUTO 501 - Automotive Engineering
AUTO 502 - Vehicle Dynamics
AUTO 544 - Solid Mechanics
- Elasticity of Nonhomogeneous Media and Functionally Graded Materials
- Fracture Mechanics
- Automotive Engineering
- Mechanical Vibrations, Nonlinear Vibrations
- Mechanics of Composite Materials
- Shape Memory Alloys
- F. Mutlu, G. Anlaş and H. Şehitoğlu, “The effect of microstructural barriers on transient crack growth in shape memory alloys” Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 32, No 9, 095006, (2023).
- F. Mutlu, G. Anlaş and H. Şehitoğlu, Crack Initiation Angle in Single Crystal Shape Memory Alloys”, Shape Memory and Superelasticity, Vol.9, pp. 427-436 (2023).
- H Sehitoglu, G Anlas, ASK Mohammed, “Shape Memory Alloys–Frontier Developments”, Elsevier, (2023).
- A Asma, E Altun, HE Bekiloğlu, H Bedir, G Anlaş, “Steady-state interconnected cycle modeling and experimental results of a lab-scale ORC” Applied Thermal Engineering 228, 120521 (2023)
- Özerim G., Anlaş G., and Moumni Z., “The effect of heat treatment on pseudoelastic behavior of Spark Plasma Sintered Niti,” Materials Today Communications, vol. 31, p. 103819, 2022.
- Özerim G., Moumni Z., and Anlaş G., “A poromechanics-based phenomenological model for porous shape memory alloys,” Shape Memory and Superelasticity, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 413–424, 2022.
- Mutlu, F., Anlas, G., Mounmi, Z., “Effect of loading rate on fracture mechanics of NiTi SMA”, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FRACTURE, 224: 151-165, JUN 2020
- Bekiloğlu H.E., Bedir H., Anlaş G., “Organic rankine cycle optimization with explicit designs of evaporator and radial inflow turbine”, Journal of Energy Resources Technology Volume 142, July 2020 / 072103-1 (DOI: 10.1115/1.4046942).
- Zhang YH, You YJ, Moumni Z, Anlas G, Zhu JH, “Stored-Energy-Based Fatigue Criterion for Shape Memory Alloys” 28, 6, Article Number: 065027, 2019
- Zhang Y, Moumni Z, You Y, Zhang W, Zhu J, Anlas G., "Multiscale TRIP-based investigation of low-cycle fatigue of polycrystalline NiTi shape memory alloys", International Journal of Plasticity, 115:307-29, 2019
- You Y, Gu X, Zhang Y, Moumni Z, Anlaş G, Zhang W., "Effect of thermomechanical coupling on stress-induced martensitic transformation around the crack tip of edge cracked shape memory alloy", International Journal of Fracture, 216(1):123-33, 2019
- Bekiloğlu HE, Bedir H, Anlaş G. "Multi-objective optimization of ORC parameters and selection of working fluid using preliminary radial inflow turbine design", Energy Conversion and Management, 183:833-47, 2019
- Zhang Y, You Y, Moumni Z, Anlas G, Zhu J, Zhang W., "Stored-energy-based fatigue criterion for shape memory alloys", Smart Materials and Structures, 14;28(6):065027, 2019
- Güven M, Bedir H, Anlaş G., "Optimization and application of Stirling engine for waste heat recovery from a heavy-duty truck engine", Energy Conversion and Management, 180:411-24, 2019
- Özerim G, Anlaş G, Moumni Z, "On crack tip stress fields in pseudoelastic shape memory alloys", International Journal of Fracture, 212(2):205-17, 2018
- Zhang Y, You Y, Moumni Z, Anlas G, Zhu J, Zhang W, "Experimental and theoretical investigation of the frequency effect on low cycle fatigue of shape memory alloys", International Journal of Plasticity, 90:1-30, 2017
- Oktav, Akin; Yilmaz, Cetin; Anlas, Gunay "Transfer path analysis: Current practice, trade-offs and consideration of damping." Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, VL 85, pp.760-772, FEB 2017.
- Haghgouyan, Behrouz; Shafaghi, Nima; Aydiner, C. Can; Anlas, Gunay "Experimental and computational investigation of the effect of phase transformation on fracture parameters of an SMA." Smart Materials and Structures, VL 25, IS 7, JUL 2016.
- Hazar, Selcuk; Anlas, Gunay; Moumni Ziad "Evaluation of transformation region around crack tip in shape memory alloys." International Journal of Fracture, VL 197, IS 1, pp.99-110, JAN 2016.
- Oktav, Akin; Anlas, Gunay; Yilmaz, Cetin "Assessment of vehicle noise variability through structural transfer path analysis." International Journal of Vehicle Design, VL 71, IS 1-4, pp.300-320, 2016.
- Hazar, Selcuk; Zaki Wael; Moumni Ziad; Anlas, Gunay “Modeling of steady-state crack growth in shape memory alloys using a stationary method”, International Journal of Plasticity, VL 67, pp.26-38, APR 2015.
- Tuncer, Aydin; Anlas, Gunay; Yılmaz, Yasin "An Investigation of the Effect of Weatherstrip Seals on Vehicle Vibration and Acoustics Using an Alternative Modeling Technique", Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, VL 136, IS 4, AUG 2014.
- Oral, Alpay; Anlas, Gunay; Lambros, John "Determination of Gurson-Tvergaard-Needleman Model Parameters for Failure of a Polymeric Material", International Journal of Damage Mechanics, VL 21, IS 1, pp. 3-25, JAN 2012.
- Ozturk, Umud Esat; Anlas, Gunay "Hydrostatic compression of anisotropic low density polymeric foams under multiple loadings and unloadings", Polymer Testing, VL 30, IS 7 pp.737- 742, OCT 2011.
- Alkan, V.; Karamihas, S. M.; Anlas, G. “ Finite element modeling of static tire enveloping characteristics”, International Journal of Automotive Technology, VL 12, IS 4, pp. 529-535, AUG 2011.
- Ozturk, Umud Esat; Anlas, Gunay ”Finite element analysis of expanded polystyrene foam under multiple compressive loading and unloading”, Materials & Design, VL 32, IS 2, pp. 773-780, FEB 2011.
- Baslamisli, S. Caglar; Kose, I. Emre; Anlas, Gunay “Handling stability improvement through robust active front steering and active differential control“, Vehicle System Dynamics, VL 49, IS 5, pp. 657-683, 2011.
- Alaca, B.E., Ozcan, C. and Anlas, G., “Deterministic assembly of channeling cracks as a tool for nanofabrication”, Nanotechnology, Vol. 21, No. 5, Art. No. 055301, 2010.
- Alkan, V., Karamihas, S. M. and Anlas, G., “Experimental Analysis of Tyre Enveloping Characteristics at Low Speed”, Vehicle System Dynamics, Vol. 47, No. 5, pp. 575-587, 2009.
- Ozturk, U. E. and Anlas, G., “Energy Absorption Calculations in Multiple Compressive Loading of Polymeric Foams”, Materials & Design, Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 15-22, 2009.
- Yilmaz, Y. and Anlas, G., “An Investigation of the Effect of Counterweight Configuration on Main Bearing Load and Crankshaft Bending Stress”, Advances in Engineering Softwares, Vol. 40, No. 2, pp. 95-104, 2009.
- Baslamisli, S. C., Kose, I. E. and Anlas, G., “Gain-scheduled Integrated Active Steering and Differential Control for Vehicle Handling Improvement”, Vehicle System Dynamics, Vol. 47, No. 1, pp. 99-119, 2009.
- Oral, A., Lambros, J. and Anlas, G., “Crack Initiation in Functionally Graded Materials under Mixed Mode Loading: Experiments and Simulations”, Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 75, No. 5, Art. No. 051150, 2008.
- Ozturk, U. E. and Anlas, G., “Multiple Compressive Loading and Unloading Behavior of Polymeric Foams”, Journal of Polymer Engineering, Vol. 27 (8), pp. 607-619, 2007.
- Baslamisli, S. C., Kose, I. E. and Anlas, G., “Robust Control of an Anti-Lock Brake System”, Vehicle System Dynamics, Vol. 45:(3), pp. 217-232, 2007.
- Oral, A. ve Anlas, G., “Effects of Radially Varying Moduli on Stress Distribution of Nonhomogeneous Anisotropic Cylindrical Bodies”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 42:(20), pp. 5568-5588, 2005
- Anlas, G. ve Elbeyli, O., “The Nonlinear Vibrations of a Simply Supported Rectangular Metallic Plate Subject to Transverse Harmonic Excitation ın the Presence of a One-to-One Internal Resonance”, Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 30, pp. 1-28, 2002
- Anlas, G., Santare, M. H. ve Lambros J., “Dominance of Asymptotic Crack Tip Fields in Elastic Functionality Graded Materials”, International Journal of Fracture, Vol. 115, No. 2, pp. 193-204, 2002
- Anlas, G. ve Tüzer, O., “Design of Laminated Composite Plates Containing a Hole under In-Plane Loadings”, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, Vol. 20, No. 12, pp. 1024 – 1035, 2001
- Anlas, G. ve Goker, G., “Vibration Analysis of Skew Fibre-Reinforced Composite Laminated Plates”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 242, No. 2, pp. 265-276, 2001
- Elbeyli, O ve Anlas, G., “The Nonlinear Response of a Simply Supported Rectangular Metallic Plate to Transverse Harmonic Excitation”, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 67:(3) pp. 621-626, 2000
- Anlas, G., Santare, M. H., Lambros J., “Numerical Calculation of Stress Intensity Factors in Functionally Graded Materials”, International Journal of Fracture, 104: (2) pp. 131-143, 2000