Review of Recent Developments in Brittle Fracture and Fatigue Crack Growth Modelling
by Andrei Georgievich Kotousov
School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, the University of Adelaide, Australia
DATE: December 27, 2024 (Friday)
TIME: 14:00-15:00
In this presentation Prof Kotousov will focus on several fundamental topics in Fracture and
Fatigue. He will briefly review the latest developments in 3D Fracture Mechanics [1], outline the
first analytical model for propagating fatigue cracks [2,3], which considers plastic effects ahead
and behind the crack tip, as well as its utilisation in compliance-based experimental techniques
[4]. Prof Kotousov will also present some new experimental results related to fatigue crack
growth and fatigue life evaluation under variable amplitude loading [5,6]. He will try to tie his
presentation to the experience and current interests of colleagues from the Boğaziçi University.
[1] B Zakavi, A Kotousov, R Branco (2022) Overview of three-dimensional linear-elastic
fracture mechanics, International Journal of Fracture, 1-16.
[2] J Vidler, A Kotousov, CT Ng (2023) Analysis of crack closure and wake of plasticity with
the distributed dislocation technique, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 127, 104034.
[3] J Vidler, A Kotousov, CT Ng (2024) Residual closure of fatigue cracks International Journal
of Solids and Structures 302, 112973.
[4] J Vidler, A Kotousov, CT Ng (2024) Compliance changes for a fatigue edge crack, The
European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids, submitted.
[5] A Kotousov, J Hughes, A Khanna, B Moreno, C Wallbrink (2024) Experimental Data-Driven
approach for the evaluation of crack tip opening loads under variable amplitude loading,
International Journal of Fatigue 180, 108108.
[6] C Wallbrink, JM Hughes, A Kotousov (2023) Experimental investigation of crack opening
loads in an aircraft load spectrum, International Journal of Fatigue 171, 107560
Short Bio:
Prof Andrei Kotousov has been working at the School of (Electrical and) Mechanical
Engineering, the University of Adelaide, Australia for the past 22 years. He has a broad area of
expertise in Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics, Geo-Mechanics and Structural Health Monitoring
(SHM). Specifically, in Fracture and Fatigue area - he has been working on 3D effects associated
with brittle fracture and fatigue crack propagation; in the SHM area his foremost achievements
include the development of methods for damage and defect evaluation based on the fundamental
mode of edge waves and early damage detection.
Prof Kotousov published more than 300 journal and conference articles. He is successful in
attracting government and industry funding. Andrei also participated in many resonant structural
failure investigations in Australia providing an expert advice to national and international
companies and government authorities.
Prof Kotousov has actively promoted fracture and SHM research nationally and internationally
through a wide collaborative network and various appointments in the past, most notably as
Vice-Chairman of the National Committee on Applied Mechanics, Engineers Australia and
President of the Australia Fracture Group.
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