Room / Office:
Phone Number:
+90 212 359 6848
Fax Number:
+90 212 287 2456
- Ph.D. 1990. Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University, USA
- M.S. 1985. Mechanical and Nuclear Engineeering, Northwestern University, USA
- B.S. 1984. Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Ecole Centrale de Paris, France
Courses Taught:
ME 303 Computer Applications in Mechanical Engineering
ME 353 Fluid Mechanics
ME 451 Applied Fluid Mechanics
ME 453 Gas Dynamics
ME 501 Advanced Engineering Mathematics I
Research Interests:
- Örs, H., “Oil Transport in the Turkish Straits System, Part II: Simulation of the Contamination in the Dardanelles Strait”, Energy Sources (SCI) Vol. 26, No. 2, Ocak 16, 2004, pp.167-175.
- Örs, H., S. L.Yılmaz, “Modélisation par Elements Finis de la Dissémination dans le détroit d’Istanbul”, La Houille Blanche (SCI), 2004, Vol. I, pp. 78-82.
- Örs, H., S. L.Yılmaz, “A Stochastic Approach to the Modelling of Oil Pollution”, Energy Sources (SCI) Vol. 26, No. 9, Temmuz 16, 2004, pp. 879-884.
- Yılmaz, S. L. and Örs, H., “Oil Transport in the Turkish Straits System: Simulation of the Contamination in the Istanbul Strait” Energy Sources (SCI), Volume 25, Number 11, November 2003